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Melvin Lim
Trapped in a place called
DET aka Shaolin Temple


Japanese food,music
and almost every other thing
and travelling


KC | YisMin | XinYi | JingMin | Liting | Justine | Clarence | Lek | Terrence | Albin | Ryan | ChinHan |

Some empty space




August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
July 2008
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lets talk about karma.
Firstly, the law of karma is All living creatures are responsible for their karma — their actions and the effects of their actions — and for their release from reincarnation.
In short, it is some concept where you did something wrong and bad.
So, killing of living things give you karma, racist jokes give karma and cheating also give karma.
I will go in deep into the killing of livings things. Firstly, we loves to eat meat. This means animal being kill which equals to karma. We drink water - which contains microscopic organism - and drinking it down means killing them too. Vegetarians also gain karma by eating vegetables. So, no matter what we do we still gain karma. Hence in conclusion, we confirm have karma. So do what makes you happy. Chiu happy can riao!

Mel come and go at* 12:15 AM

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Alright ppl, some eye candy for my blog readers.


but the truth is sad. He/She is a transformer. Thailand surgery technology is way too advanced than Singapore.

Mel come and go at* 9:46 PM

Gift ideas for me
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Deepavali or Christmas are coming. Its a new tradition to give present on Deepavali. Here are some nice gifts idea for me. Thanks arh.

Mel come and go at* 12:45 AM

Saturday, October 13, 2007

没有英文了。 所以我想出来一些常用的字的翻译。
LOL = 笑出大声
LMAO = 笑我的屁出
WTF = 什么那个福
WTH = 什么那个地狱
FTW = 替那个赢
DOTA = 头大

笑出大声~ XD

Mel come and go at* 1:05 AM

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


曲:周杰伦 词:黄俊郎

呜啦啦啦火车笛 随著奔腾的马蹄 小妹妹吹著口琴 夕阳下美了剪影
我用子弹写日记 介绍完了风景 接下来换介绍我自己

我虽然是个牛仔 在酒吧只点牛奶 為什麼不喝啤酒 因為啤酒伤身体
很多人不长眼睛 嚣张都靠武器 赤手空拳就缩成蚂蚁

不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了
你们一起上 我在赶时间 每天决斗观眾都累了 英雄也累了
不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 副歌不长你们有几个 一起上好了
正义呼唤我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的

我啦啦啦骑毛驴 因為马跨不上去 洗澡都洗泡泡浴 因為可以玩玩具
我有颗善良的心 都只穿假牛皮 喔跌倒时尽量不压草皮

枪口它没长眼睛 我曾经答应上帝 除非是万不得已 我尽量射橡皮筋
老闆先来杯奶昔 要逃命前请你 顺便餵餵我那隻小毛驴

不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了
你们一起上 我在赶时间 每天决斗观眾都累了 英雄也累了
不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 副歌不长你们有几个 一起上好了
正义呼唤我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的

Get the song here.

When i first hear this song i was like LOL wth like that also can. But after listening to a few times, it gets better and one more thing is that this song is very catchy. Whats next from Jay after Fei Yu Qing and a cowboy song?

Mel come and go at* 8:54 PM

Blog revival scheme
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Due to the demand from KC, i revive my blog. Gimme time to edit the links and up the tagboard.
Al le bo, go do ur blog.

Mel come and go at* 12:40 AM